Inside the gates of Encanterra, our Shea Preferred team has sold nearly 65% of our listings and closed over 228 sales. Yes, 228 sold Shea Preferred listings. This is a huge win/win for you the seller as it puts us in the driver’s seat for many factors relating to the transaction. If no agent is involved we eliminate an outside agent who perhaps is generally new to the area or has limited experience in the community. They rarely understand the HOA related fees, bring in home inspectors who have zero knowledge about solar or cathredralized insulation and often cloud the issues. They also work with outside lenders and title companies further complicating the process. Add the Encanterra issue of comps where they compare your 3 year old Shea Xero on open space to a standard lot and home that’s 9 years old and we have problems from the start. List with us and there is a 75% chance, according to the last 12 months, we will also represent the buyer as our walk in leads in the model gallery bring in an average of 50 buyers a week. We can then use our extremely experienced home inspector with over 50 Encanterra inspections, one of our preferred lenders if needed, our preferred title company that offers all our Encanterra related clients investor rates, add our onsite office that’s staffed 6-7 days a week and no need to go anywhere else. Please reach out to our team located across from the design center in the model complex. We always have pocket buyers looking for specific properties.