Hello Encanterra! As many of you know, our team has an on-site resale office located in the model gallery. We are available 7 days a week for our buyer and sellers. We are currently working with several buyers that have some specific requirements. The current resale inventory for smaller homes (2,000 sq. ft. and under) is very limited. If you have been thinking of selling or moving to a different plan within Encanterra, please reach out to us to see if we have a match.
You can reach us in the following ways:
Phone: 480-677-8170
Email: info@ENCBrokers.com
Or visit our Instagram or Facebook pages & send a PM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sheapreferredrealty
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SheaPreferredRealty
We look forward to making a match!